Stage Design


At a show, concert or music festival, the challenge is how to engage with the audience visually and leave a long-lasting impression. A music stage is more than just big sound system, with a unique stage, Fader delivers a complete Audio Visual experience.

The stage is a fine art installation in the hands of an experienced designer, where Fader shapes it according to the type of event and audience. The stage can be modern or classic, outdoors or indoors, utilizing LED screens, projectors, lasers and lighting, these building blocks become a masterpiece.

Intro 2016 ShangHai

From Festivals around the world

Every show delivers a different message to its audience, a unique stage design is the best way to elevate a festival.

Intro 2016 ShangHai

Intro 2016 ShangHai

ExistDance 2015 Costa Rica

ExistDance 2015 Costa Rica

MIDI Electronic 2017

MIDI Electronic 2017

Intro Festival 2015

Intro Festival 2015

Intro Festival 2013

Intro Festival 2013

Backwoods Festival 2015

Backwoods Festival 2015

A strong concept is the key!

Great stage designs begin with a strong concept. This is the key to creating a strong identity for festival or an event. A central theme that encapsulates the overall feeling and message to the audience wins.

Click on the button below to view Fader’s latest stage design portfolio PDF to see samples of his latest projects.

View Fader's Portfolio PDF


Together, we will create the most memorable show!

Every show take an entire dedicated team. With extensive planning and execution comes a great show that will stay in the audiences' memories for a long, long time.